Pre-Conference: March 13–14, 2025Main Conference: March 15–17, 2025Boston, Massachusetts

Conference Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify some of the most recent and salient research relevant to the trauma and dissociation field
  • Describe the central role of dissociation in complex trauma related disorders
  • Assess clients for dissociative disorders and complex PTSD and related comorbidity
  • Identify cultural, social, and religious effects on trauma, dissociation, and trauma-informed treatments
  • Assess and treat children, adolescents, and adults with complex PTSD, developmental trauma disorder, and/or dissociative disorders
  • Describe the relationships among trauma, dissociation, and other psychological signs, symptoms, and disorders, including personality disorders
  • Employ new treatment approaches and interventions for complex trauma and dissociation
  • Identify and effectively work with transference
  • Recognize, avoid, or resolve therapeutic pitfalls, resistances, counter-resistances, and impasses
  • Recognize the ethical and relational challenges posed by trauma and dissociation patients and discuss productive approaches to these issues
  • Identify and effectively work with countertransference, vicarious traumatization, and needs related to therapist self-care

Updated 6/21/2024

ISSTD Annual Conference